Do you know what the most important factor determining how healthy or environmentally friendly a food is?
It's wether it comes from a plant or an animal. 

"For real," you ask? In a world of complicated choices, it's pretty accurate rule for most meals, most of the time. 

If your meal comes in at:

95%+ plants = awesome!
80%+ plants = good
60%+ plants = ok
40%+ plants = not so good
20%+ plants = pretty bad

We can simplify this percentage as
"The Vscore"

Why do we need a Vscore? 
Animal agriculture is one of the greatest environmental and health crisis of our time
In the last century humans have dramatically increased their consumption of animal products.  To live sustainably and healthily on the planet, we need to drop our consumption of animal products back to a smaller portion of our whole diet.
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Transparent data is the ground zero of effective change
It's proven that simply making data public and visible catalyses powerful change. The Vscore app is based on the principle of public disclosure of data. We make the ration of plant to animal foods open and transparent which naturally causes peopel to change in a positive direction to improve their score.
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We help bring attention to the ratio of animal foods in menus
Bringing attention to the data behind the problem is the first step to creating change. The Vscore app allows people to add menus and meals to easily calculate the Vscore. The ratio is easy to understand and gently 'nudges' a person in a postive direction without demanding drastic lifestyle changes. 
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What the Vscore app gives you
Calculate your personal Vscore
Join our 30 day challenge to increase your Vscore. Add your meals to the app and work out your Vscore every day for 30 days.
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Signs for restaurants
Restaurants can display their Vscore on their premises or directly on their menu. We provide easily printable A4 / letter size posters for food vendors. Evidence shows that bringing awareness to restaurant's health scores motivates them to improve their score.
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Get recommendations for easy plant-based ingredient swaps
Increasing your Vscore can be fun and easy. There are many delicious plant-based foods that can be swapped out for animal food ingredients. Coconut cream, Beyond Meat sausages, almond milk, Dayia cheese can be easily swapped so you can make big improvements without drastic (non-tasty) change.
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Map out Vscores of restaurants on Google Maps
You can view the restaurants in your local area by Vscore. This can help you find more plant-friendly menu options. The color grading also helps to motivate all restaurants to improve their score.
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Join our community of plant-based experts
Get involved with the Vscore and get connected with our community of plant-based mentors, resteraunt owners, suppliers, and people wanting to make a difference just like you. 
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