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Lesson 17: Five Easy Gamification Techniques
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Lesson 1:
The First Biggest Mistake
Lesson 2:
The Next Biggest Mistake
Lesson 3:
The Two Lenses
Lesson 4:
Your Creative Genius Zone

Lesson 5:
Call to Adventure

Lesson 6:

Lesson 7:
The God Metric

Lesson 8:
Fascinating Case Study

Lesson 9:
Disclosure Theory

Lesson 10:
4 Rules for Designing Your Data

Lesson 11:
The ABC System

Lesson 12:
Avoid These Types of Projects

Lesson 13:
DIY Hardware

Lesson 14:
Put The God Metric on the Wall

Lesson 15:
Quantify Your Goal

Lesson 16:
Social Comparison

Lesson 17:
5 Easy Gamification Techniques

Lesson 18:

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